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Chinese translation for "red phosphorus"


Related Translations:
phosphorus:  n.1.【化学】磷。2.磷光体 (=phosphor)。
Example Sentences:
1.Study on the stability of red phosphorus
2.Its red - phosphorus masterbatch which incorporates stabilized , micro - encapsulated red phosphorus powder , was introduced in the mid 1990 ’ s , and today accounts for more than half the market for such products internationally
3.6 . usage : it can be used to make red phosphorus , phosphoric acid , carbon pentoxide , phosphorus trichloride , and so on , and other phosphorus compounds . used as raw materials for organic phosphorus pesticide . used to make military signal bombs and smoke bombs
6 .用途:用于制造赤磷磷酸五氧化二磷三氯化磷五硫化二磷三氯硫磷和磷的其他化合物,可供制造有机磷农药的原料。
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